Year 2
Week beginning 01.03.21
As we are getting close to coming back to school next week, I have included a few changes and coming back to school tasks for you to have a go at. Think about what you are looking forward to and what you might be worried about. You can also complete the worksheet about the positive and negatives sides of change.
Week beginning 22.02.21
To help keep our minds healthy it is also important to keep it happy. Having things to look forward to can help us feel happier and improve our wellbeing. Use the worksheet below to create a things to look forward to jar of your own. These might be things you look forward to doing when we are out of lockdown.
Week beginning 08.02.21
This week we are thinking about calm and relaxation. In order to keep my brain and body healthy you also need to relax yourself. You can do this my using the relaxation spin wheel or relaxation prompt cards to help you. You can also click on the link below to practise mindfulness and being calm through meditation.
Week beginning 01.02.21
This week we are thinking about how we can express ourselves. Please go through the PowerPoint and then complete a task of your choice. You can either write an acrostic poem all about you or complete the mindful colouring.