Year 1 - Giraffes
Please see the links below for how to pronounce the sounds we have learned.
W/C 10.2.25
We have learned the ‘air’ sound can be made using ‘are’, ‘ere’ and ‘ear’ e.g.
care, fare, share
where, there, premiere
bear, tear, wear
The ‘ch’ sound can be made using ‘tch’ e.g.
latch, stitch, patch
Chinese - we have been learning about Chinese New Year
Seasons - We have been exploring the changes that happen in the different seasons

Music - we have been exploring changing the dynamics

History - We have been learning about Mary Anning

History - We have been comparing old and new toys

W/C 3.2.25
We have learned the ‘y’ can make the ‘i’ sound e.g.
cygnet, sycamore
We have learned ‘ou’ can make the ‘oo’ sound e.g.
soup, group
We have learned ‘oul’ sound e.g.
shoulder, boulder.
We have learned ‘ie’ can make the ‘ee’ sound e.g.
shield, thief
We have learned ‘ve’ can make the ‘v’ sound e.g.
serve, curve
We have learned the ‘ur’ sound can be made using ‘or’ / ‘ear’ e.g.
worm, work
learn, pearl
W/C 27.1.25
We have learned ‘o’ can make the ‘oa’ sound e.g.
go, no, hotel.
We have learned ‘a’ can make the ‘o’ sound e.g.
swan, swallow, washing.
We have learned the ‘u’ can make the ‘oo’ sound e.g.
put, circus.
We have learned the ‘u’ can make the ‘you’ sound e.g.
unicorn, uniform, university.
We have learned the ‘ch’ can make the ‘c’ sound e.g.
school, orchestra, echo.
We have learned the ‘ch’ can make the ‘sh’ sound e.g.
chef, chute, brochure.
We have learned the ‘ea’ can make the ‘e’ sound e.g.
heather, weather, bread.
W/C 20.1.25: We revisited the sounds taught in W/C 13.1.25, please see below.
W/C 13.1.25
We have learned the 'ai' sound can be made using:
'eigh' (eight, weight)
'ea' (great, break)
'ey' (grey, prey)
'a' (acorn, table)
The 'igh' sound can be made using:
'y' (sky, fly)
'i' (child, tiger)
The ‘ee’ sounds can be made using ‘e’ (be, me).
The ‘ar’ sound can be made using ‘a’ (father, mask).
Computing - We have been learning how to use Sketchpad.

Art - Creating our own art inspired by Clarice Cliff