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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Week 2 W/C 26.4.21

Reading books

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We are starting our new reading scheme. On Monday the children will receive a reading book in a zippy wallet for them to practise reading. Please remember to listen to your child read as much as possible. Remember to record on the sheet when you listen to your child read as they will earn a certificate if they read at least 3 times in a week. The children will need to bring their reading book (in it's zippy wallet) with them to school everyday.  Reading books will be changed on a Monday.

Last week we made observations of snails and searched for different minibeasts in our playground. This week we will be looking at the life cycles of frogs and butterflies. We have some caterpillars arriving soon which we will watch carefully to see how they change. The children will make observations of the changes that happen over the next couple of weeks. When they turn into butterflies the children will then release them.
