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w/c 12/10/20


Today we are starting our book ' Funny Bones'.

Read the story PDF below. Talk about the characters and setting. What is your favourite part of the story? Which character do you like best and why?

Draw your favourite part and think of a sentence that you can say using the conjunction 'and'.


These pictures are some of the main events in the story. Can you put them in order? You can put a number underneath to do this or print them and cut them up. 

After that try to think of  sentence about each picture that you can say out loud. You could even use a conjunction at the beginning of your sentence to help you order it like first, then, next, after, finally.


Today we are practising telling the story using story language. There are some parts of the story where story language is repeated such as 'the big skeleton scratched his skull...' or  'down the dark, dark staircase . . . ' etc.  Can you use the pictures below to say a sentence that uses some story language? You could even write the sentences after.

Thursday: Today we are thinking about story settings - where the story happens. There are lots of different story settings to talk about in the attached document.

Where does the story happen in Funnybones?  Is it more than one setting? Have a go at drawing your favourite Funnybones setting and writing a sentence to describe it. Can you include adjectives for dark such as the gloomy, black house? Or down the dim, shadowy street etc

