W/C 6.12.21
This week in literacy we will be looking at letters to Santa and discussing the features of letters.
We will be identifying the:
- Sender’s address
- Date
- Greeting ‘Dear…’
- Introduction to establish the purpose of the letter
- Main body of the letter adding more detail
- Conclusion
- Sign off
Can you spot any of these in the example letters?
- Capital letters
- Full stop .
- Question mark ?
- Exclamation mark !
- and
- because
- adjectives (describing words)
- Un prefix (e.g. unkind, unfair, ungrateful, unhappy)
- s / es for plurals
We will have a go at planning our own letter to Santa.
This week in maths we will be working with numbers to 20.
We will be:
-Counting using tens and ones
-Count one more and one less
-Comparing numbers of objects
-Comparing and ordering numbers
All children have been allocated the Power Maths book on Active Learn that we are using at school. If your child is unable to attend school or you would like to look at the sorts of questions they are learning to answer please log in to Active Learn using your child's log in information (this is being resent out on Tuesday).
This week we are working on pages 136 - 156
We have now learned all of our Phase 5 sounds. Please see sound mat below. We are practising writing sentences using these sounds. We are also sending home the class log in to Oxford Owl (Tuesday) this will let you log in to look at ebooks at your child's level if your child is unable to attend school or is absent on the day that books are changed.
Please continue to listen to your child reading at home.