Introduction to Block coding Spring 1.mp4

Video explaining Block Coding on Espresso for this half term.
Block Coding
This half term our Unit is Block coding for computing. To begin with you must complete the refresher levels 1-5 before you can move on to Level 6.
Lesson 1 please complete Refresher Levels 1-3.
Lesson 2 please complete Refresher levels 4 and 5.
Lesson 3 please complete these games on Level 6 - Shape Shifting, Pop challenge and Toy Shop Till
Lesson 4 please complete these games on Level 6 - Stop watch, Debugging: Complex variables
Lesson 5 please complete these games on Level 6 - Don't feed the birds, Rocket Blaster
Lesson 6 please complete these games on Level 6 - Football fun, Sheepdog, Golf game