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Week 1 - W/C 4.1.21

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Phonics Daily Lessons - Please Read

You will need to log in to Phonics Play following the links in the planning above. The password for Phonics Play was sent home in book bags last term. If you are unsure of the password please email : and it will be sent to you.

Daily Home Learning Lessons - Please Read  has some activities based around The Gruffalo that you can have a go at.
Extra challenge if your child is confident in reading simple words and the high frequency words (HFW) practised in the planning above:




Extra challenge if your child is confident and consistent with counting, recognising, ordering and comparing numbers 0-5 from the planning above:


Practise reliably counting to 20 (count actions, objects and objects which cannot be moved).

Practise recognising numbers to 20.

Practise putting numerals to 20 in the correct order.

Practise saying 1 more and 1 less than numbers to 20.
