W/C 10.1.22
In history we investigated why Mary Anning is still remembered today using clues. We worked out she was famous for being a fossil hunter. We had a go at fossil hunting.
Now we have finished learning all of the phase 5 sounds (see sound mat), we are now moving on to learning additional ways that sounds can be written. Please see below for what we will have learned by the end of the week. The bold is new learning.
This week we are learning the ‘ai’ sound can be written as:
ai rain
ay play
a acorn
ea great
ey grey
eigh eight
We are learning the ‘ar’ sound can be written as:
ar car
a mask
We are learning the ‘ee’ sound can be written as:
ee feet
ea sea
e he she we
We are learning the ‘igh’ sound can be written as:
igh light
ie pie
i-e slide
y sky
This week we are retrieving interesting facts about polar bears ready for us to plan and make our own speech for a documentary. We are learning and applying new topic vocabulary. Ask me what these words mean:
Information about polar bears:
This week we are working with numbers to 20 on addition. We will be focussing on being Slinky Linky Snakes by making links in maths. We will be using what we already know about numbers to 10 to help us solve number problems with numbers to 20.
We will be learning to:
- Add by counting on (in out head and using physical resources such as number line or counters)
- Add the ones together to help with adding larger numbers (e.g. I know 2 + 4 = 6 so 12 + 4 = 16)
- Use number bonds to 10 to help me find number bonds to 20 ( e.g. I know 5 + 5 = 10 so 15 + 5 = 20)
- Solve addition word problems
If you are self isolating or would like to see the sorts of questions your child is doing to further support their learning at home please use your Active Learn log in information where you have been allocated the textbook and practise book.
This week we are working on:
Power Maths textbook 1B, pages 8 - 27
Power Maths Practice book 1B, pages 6 - 20