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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Week 5- W/C 19.10.20

Timings - W/C 19.10.20

Drop off at the infant gates at 8.50am.

Please collect your child from the infant gates at 2.30pm.

As we will be going outside for PE after the half term holiday (weather permitting), please can all children have some warm clothes in school for example: jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt. They will need to get changed into their full PE kit as independently as possible. Please practise supporting your child's independence in changing to help prepare them for this.

Reminder: Please make sure your child has PE shoes in school.

Reminder: This week is a short week for the children as Thursday 22nd October and Friday 23rd October are teacher training days. Therefore, children will have their last day at school on Wednesday 21st October and then return to school on Monday 2nd November after the half term break.

This week we will be carrying on our themes of Harvest and Halloween.

This week we will be observing what happens to the cress we have planted and the wormery we have made. We will be talking about the changes that happen.

In maths we are continuing to practise using mathematical language to make comparisons. Please help me to practise using the vocabulary below correctly when playing or making comparisons...











We are preparing children for starting to write after half term. Please help your child to break down simple words into their sounds e.g. cat = c-a-t,  map= m-a-p. There will be a practise sheet on this sent home later in the week.

We made our own glittery spider webs...

Home learning- This is in case your child has to self-isolate and is unable to attend school.
