

Optional extra challenge

* Ideas of how to further support your child with learning the sound of the day:
- Find things around the house or in pictures that start with the given sound. Have a go at labelling on post-it notes or scraps of paper the sound. For example - find a sock and practise labelling it with ‘s’.
- Rainbow writing – Adult to write the letter/s on a piece of paper. Using a coloured pencil child to trace over the top of the letter saying the sound it makes as they do. Child to then choose another colour and repeat.
- Looking for the sounds in books, leaflets, signs, around the house. Can the child spot the sound of the day? What sound does it make?
- Matching objects to the initial sound. Write the sound and find objects or pictures starting with that sound. Can the child match the objects correctly to the sound they start with.
- Can you find any household objects that have the sound of the day in, e.g. for the 'th' sound you might find a bath or a toothbrush.