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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Year 2 - Zebras

Summer Term 2

This half-term will be mainly topic based. Please use the suggested timetable to organise your week. You will find weekly literacy and numeracy activities below and a list of topic ideas that you can choose from.

You can email the class teacher at

Summer Term 1

Well done for all the hard work so far, 

please find below the activities your child can do at home this term:

Spring Term

Here are some activities you can try at home for the spring term:

Suggested Learning Links

Please make sure you are practising your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and that you are reading 3 or more times a week.
Photo Gallery:

Festival of Culture -We had so much fun learning about different countries and cultures. We even tried the food! :)

Reading - We looked at different books and read with our parents. We even had our faces painted!

Geography - In geography we looked at maps and globes to find out where we are in the world. We also talked about continents and oceans.

Tudor House - We all visited the Tudor House to learn more about the history of Southamton. We had so much fun!

In art we have been looking at different textures to create an "Out at sea collage". This is a picture of the boat from our literacy book - The Mousehole Cat.

Maths - we went on a right-angle hunt
