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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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w/c 5/10/20


Today I would like you to go on a sound walk around your house and garden!  Listen very carefully to all the sounds you can hear and try to make a note of them. You could do that by drawing a picture of what's making the sound or writing it down. Can you describe it like the Sound Collector poem? For example.,  The rustling of the leaves.  


Today is planning day! Draw 4 pictures of the sounds you will write about in your poem. Have a go at spelling the sound word you will use for example chatting or rustling. Remember to segment the word on your fingers and write the sound. For 2 syllable words it will help if you split the words into chunks (syllables) i.e., chatt - ing  and sound them out like this.


Thursday and Friday:

Today in school we are writing our poem. Our targets will be:

- using the sounds we have covered in class - qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai

- sounding out each word and recording the letters for the sound

- remembering finger spaces

-forming our letters correctly and on the line

