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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Week 3 (WB:08.03.21)

This week we will be focussing on wellbeing and the transition back into school. Please find related wellbeing tasks in week 3 of the topic section. This week we will also be recapping some of the maths we have been looking at the last half-term which will include shape, fractions and multiplying and dividing. 


Blue star sheet - Page 1 

Please complete the patterns according to colour and shape. 

Core - Page 2 

Please name all the properties of the 3D shapes drawn.

Today we are recapping our adding and subtracting using counting on and back or column method. 
Today we are recapping our multiplying and dividing using arrays and drawing groups. 
Today we are recapping our knowledge of 1/2 1/4 and unit fractions.
Today we are recapping finding fractions of amounts. 