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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Week 5- W/C 30.11.20

Some pictures from this week...

The children have been working hard on retelling and acting out the nativity story. We will make this into a video and send it home soon!

Well done to all of the children reading at least 3 times at home every week! Practising reading at home has a very noticeable affect on their progress in reading and writing as they move through school.


Reminder: Reading books are collected in on a Monday to allow us to quarantine them before giving them out again on a Thursday.


This week we will be practising our speaking and listening skills as we retell the Christmas Story. We will be recording this to create our own class nativity performance.


Christmas Cards

To make sure we are not crossing bubbles, please can all children only write cards to their friends in their own class. All cards will need to be in by the 11th of December and we will give them out the following week. 

Many thanks for your understanding 

Reminder: Have a look at the home learning documents to see what you child will be covering in school. Ask your child what sound they have learned today.

Home learning- This is in case your child has to self-isolate and is unable to attend school.
