How much topic work should I be doing each week?

Non-Core Subject Work
These are the other lessons that we will be doing in school. Please try to complete 1 non-core lesson each day after the literacy and numeracy tasks.
Summer 1
This half-term we are looking at sustainability. This will include how we can look after the environment we live in and also think more carefully about how our actions may impact animals and plants. We will also be thinking about how plants grow and begin to map different vegetation using aerial maps and photographs.
Spring 2: Animal antics (Work from previous half-term)
This half-term we will be learning about living things that their habitats. We will be thinking about the life processes that make living things alive and how we can spot them. We will also be thinking about how our actions impact the environment and the animals and plants that live there.
Have a go at some in the PDF file, they include the following activities:
- Getting ready for nature spotting
- Tree identification
- Leaf Spotting
- Sit spot
- Wild art
- Bird watching and making a birdfeeder
- Pond dipping
- Shelter building
- Making a pitfall trap
- Worm game
- Ice mobiles
Spring 2
Spring 1
This work is from the previous half-term for those who did not complete the activities and would like to catch-up.