Week 1 - W/C 2.11.20
Timings - W/C 2.11.20
Drop off at the infant gates at 8.50am.
Please collect your child from the infant gates at 2.40pm.
As all of the classes have been coming into school so well we now have a 5 minute window to welcome and dismiss the children. This allows us to have slightly more learning time within the school day. Please ensure you are on time at the gates.
Thank you for your continued support with this.
This week we have learned the sounds below and practised sorting objects by their initial sound...
Today information on how to log onto Bug Club was sent home please check book bags. Please log on and explore Bug Club with your child. Have a go at sharing some of the books that have been allocated. These books have no words but have questions and guidance at the start for the adult to ask the child. Remember to write in your reading record when you listen to your child read. For the first few weeks discussing the story with no words counts as reading, so please add this to the reading record which will be sent home tomorrow.
Please read three times a week so your child is able to earn a certificate. We will check reading records on a Thursday to see who has read three times that week.

This week please access online books through Bug Club. Starting from Thursday 12th November paper reading books will be sent home.
Due to Covid we have to allow a quarantine period between collecting in and sending out reading books. Please see the timetable below. Please ensure you have the book, reading record and homework in your book bag on the correct day.
Mondays |
Thursdays |
Reading books collected in (You can still read on Bug Club or books at home until you get your new school book on Thursday). Homework given out.
Homework collected in Reading books given out. Reading certificates given out for those that have read at least 3 times that week – please ensure reading records are in book bags so we can check this.
Safety Day - We learned about emergency services and how to get help.
This week we will be starting phase 2 phonics. This is where children will learn letter names and sounds and begin to read and write. Have a look at our home learning phonics planning to see what we will be focussing on at school.
On Monday we will be learning the letter 's'. When I get home show me the letter and ask me what sound it makes.