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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Week 2 (WB:01.03.21)


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Please watch the video, complete the task set and have a go at the habitats game or sorting activity.


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Please watch the video and complete the worksheet provided. You can also click on the link below to find out more about Quentin Blake:


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This week we will start making our PowerPoint Presentation. Please look through the PDF or my video to help you start your PowerPoint about an animal of your choice.


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This week we are thinking about how other peoples feelings can be hurt and what we should do if we disagree or argue with our friends. Please watch the video and complete the worksheet below.

Religious Education

This week we are still thinking about sadness and happiness. Please watch the video below to learn about your emotions. Then complete the Worksheet about things that make you happy and sad. We will then be linking it to religious stories next week. 
