Year 2 - Zebras
Class notice board:
Hope you have all had a restful Easter break! Please could all children continue to come to school in their P.E kits on a Monday.
We would also like to remind children to bring in their reading record, spelling, times-table and handwriting book every Friday. We will then give them all out again on a Monday with new spellings/tables to practise and update them with their scores.
Unfortunately we are not allocating reading books at the moment and will be setting books through Bug Club. Please read their books on Bug Club and the Library book they take home and change on a Wednesday. Many thanks
Home Learning Tasks
If you are self-isolating, please use the tab below to access all the relevant work set each week.
The class email is no longer active. Please email if you have any queries or questions.
Teams - remember to use your login card to access your Teams account
Easter competition entries
Celebration of work
Home Learning
Thanks again for all the hard work at home. Here is some of the work that you have done in the last few weeks!
Week beginning 04.01.21
This week our class was much smaller than normal but we still worked super hard. We also made some top tips to help everyone stay safe. Thank you so much to all the children who have been sending me work. I can see you have all been working very hard. Keep up the good work!
Christmas week
This week we had so much fun making tree decorations, cards and calendars. We hope you have a lovely Christmas break!
Week beginning 7.12.20
In numeracy this week we have been practising our use of column method to add and subtract. We used our whiteboard and pens to draw our own column and checked our answers if we needed to by drawing tens and ones or making jumps on a number line.
In D.T we finally started sewing our stockings! We were so patient and put our hands up when we got stuck. Some children were sewing for the first time and really enjoyed learning a new skill. We even helped each other when we got stuck! Miss Cheung was so proud of us.
We will decorate our stockings next week and hopefully fill them with decorations and cards that we will make at school.
We have been learning a lot about Christopher Columbus in our History lessons. This week we made our own posters to present to the class and recalled a lot of interesting facts about the past. We all worked so well as a group and we make sure that everyone was using their sharing, listening and team work skills. Miss Cheung put our posters on display and they look amazing.
Week beginning 30.11.20
For numeracy we have been drawing groups to help us solve multiplication questions we also did repeated addition for our drawings
We have also been planning our stockings for D.T. We chose our fabric and decorations to go on it. Next week we will start our sewing and we can't wait!
This week we also practised our spellings before our big spelling test! A lot of us improved our score
In literacy we have been practising a poem called what is under. We added actions and even learnt it off by heart! Miss Cheung was amazed at how well we all did and we recorded them on the Ipads.
Week beginning 23.11.20
Design Technology
For D.T we have been enquiring about stockings. We thought about the materials that make a stocking and experimented with different types of paper, plastic and tape.
We made our stockings in small groups and Miss Cheung dropped a heavy present into them.
We noticed that paper and plastic is not the best material for stockings and next week we will start experimenting with fabric.
Here are some of the stockings we made:
In literacy we have been finishing our Mousehole Cat story. We had so much fun writing from a different perspective and we worked really hard on using past tense and expanded noun phrases.
As for numeracy, we have started looking at arrays and drawing groups to help me solve multiplication questions.
We have also been writing repeated addition to match multiplication sentences for example:
3 x 4 = 12 can also be written as 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
In computing we have also been looking at online safety. We thought about if it is safe to use a webcam and what to do if a stranger starts to talk to me online. We now know to tell an adult straight away and to always keep cameras on devices covered up if possible.
Week beginning 16.11.20
In numeracy we have been doing money investigations. We have been finding different ways to make the same amount as well as comparing amounts with inequalities. We also talked about the value of different coins and we challenged ourselves by making amounts with a range of different coins.
We also talked about explorers and what it might be like to go exploring. We planned a route for Manfred to take and explore the school. We left him all our plans and when we went home Manfred went on an exploration! He was so cheeky and even went into Year R and 1!
We then talked about another explorer called Christopher Columbus. Christopher lived in the 15th century and life was very different back then! We made a collage for the 15th century and now and made comparisons for what is similar or different.
Week beginning 9.11.20
In literacy we have been re-telling the story of The Mousehole Cat. We started our own story map and have been adding conjunctions to help me retell the story. We will be recording our performances with actions and then rewrite the story from our own point of view.
In numeracy we have been learning about money. We have identified different coins and notes and have been trying to make the same amounts using different coins. We have also been adding, subtracting and comparing amounts.
In P.E we have been learning about multi-skills. We have been doing the bleep test and also rotating round small activities to raise our fitness. We worked really hard and enjoyed all the different activities.
Some of us have also been reading lots at home! We always get a certificate if we read 3 or more times and we are learning our phonics to help us read.
Safety Day (week beginning 2.11.20)
On Thursday we had an entire day learning about safety and first aid. We thought about what first aid is and what you might say to someone who needs first aid.
We also thought about how to help someone with burns or head injuries:
If they have a burn, you should always run the wound under cold water for at least 10 minutes, if you can you should also let an adult know. After your burn has cooled down, make sure you wrap the burn in plastic to keep it clean.
If you have a head injury, you should always tell an adult and they can put a cold compress on the bump:
Make sure you wrap the cold compress in a towel or thin cloth
Sometimes after you have given first aid, the person who is hurt might need more help. This would be a good time to call 999 and ask for the service you need.
We practised making a 999 call and asked for an ambulance, police or fire brigade. We also thought about our home addresses as this can be important if I was asked about my location and where the accident has taken place.
Lastly we talked about safety around fireworks and made a poster to show the top 6 rules:
- Never throw fireworks
- Never go back to a lit firework
- Always wear gloves when you are playing with sparklers
- Stand well back
- Keep unlit fireworks far away and in a closed box
- Always keep your pets indoors.
Week beginning 19.10.20
Reading Afternoon
we had so much fun on our alien themed afternoon. We made our very own reading guide and also an alien themed head band. We also did a bit of colouring by spotting split diagraphs and colouring each section a specific colour. We read a range of alien themed books and completed our very own book review. The teachers dressed up and had massive underpants on! It was such a fun afternoon.
This week we also tried out a team building game to improve our team work skills. We had to use our listening skills and worked together to get to the other side without falling into the 'river'. We did really well and even rescued a bean bag along the way.
For literacy, we finished our historical guide of Southampton and made sure we used a range of adjectives to make our writing more interesting. We also remembered to include a question and exclamation to try and persuade others to read our guide and come to see Southampton.
Week beginning 12.10.20
This week we have been making foxy leaf faces during golden time. First we glued two leaves together and made sure it looked like a fox face. We then painted on the eyes and cheeks with black and white paint. Don't they look amazing?
In PE we have been learning different skills needed for rounders. We practised bowling, batting and making runs around cones to score. We had lots of fun and will be playing full games next week.
On the 15th of October it was National Hand Washing Day, On this day we learnt how and when to wash our hands, we also tried the pepper germ experiment where our clean finger pushed away the 'germs' in water.