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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Year R - Elephants

We are looking forward to welcoming you back in September. We will spend the morning together in Elephants Class. You will get to spend the afternoon getting to know your new teacher in the Year 1 class. We hope you have a lovely summer break! Enjoy yourselves and stay safe.


You can email the teacher at

Summer 1 Week 1 W/C 20.04.20 Please use the video guides to help with daily activities - We will send you the link on email like we were doing before Easter.

We enjoyed a spooky halloween lunch

We love choosing our activity for Shine Time!

Superhero activities!

We practised counting out numbers in our numeracy lesson.

We had lots of fun in our first week at Mansbridge - making friends and playing with different things.

Numeracy - We have been busy in our numeracy lessons looking at different coins, ordering numbers, making repeating patterns and measuring objects aswell as our friends!

World Book Day - We all looked great dressed as book characters for the day.

Festival of Culture - We had fun learning about other countries and tasting some different foods.

Food week - We enjoyed making and serving food to our family and friends in our class café

We have had lots of fun this half term investigating, exploring and problem solving.

We had lots of fun in our reading incentive afternoon and enjoyed lots of activities around the Hungry Caterpillar. Please help to encourage the children to read 3 times a week at home so they can earn a certificate. The class that reads the most at home this term will earn a class reward!
